Hi everyone! I am super excited today because I am finally able to do a couple of things that have been on my wish list for a while. Firstly, magazine editors and stitch guide users everywhere will be doing a happy dance because I have finally entered the modern age and have started charting my designs on a computer! No more graph paper charts, yay! The trick was finding charting software for the Mac. Ursa Software makes Stitch Graph, the only charting software that was created originally for the Mac. It has been a breeze to use and the tech support is fantastic! That brings me to me second wish list item, being able to share the occasional free Bonus Chart with you on my website. This part, I believe, has all the bugs worked out. When you click on the title of the photo below, you should be taken to the Bonus chart section of my EyeCandy website where you can download and save a PDF of the graph. So here is my free gift to you, a small Bargello ornament. This is a companion piece to the four Bargello ornaments being published this year in Needlepoint Now magazine. I hope you will enjoy it!
Thanks for the free chart and information on the new charting software!